Fire ducts and dampers
Fires in commercial buildings can be extremely costly for a business and in extreme circumstances can result in the loss of life. While it is impossible to be 100% protected against them, there are certain preventative measures which a business can take in order to limit the damage a fire can cause.
One such measure is to properly install and maintain fire duct systems and dampers within ducting vents. They are used to prevent fire spreading and help secure the structure of a building.
Fire ducts: Having fire rated ducts within a building allows for the safe operation of HVAC systems by reducing the chance of a fire spreading. Effective fire resilient insulation is used, acting as a barrier between the flames and the next room.
Fire dampers: Fire dampers are ducting fittings which are placed in vents as there will always be a place where fire and smoke can escape to another room. The dampers are designed so that they close when the temperature in a room rises above a certain threshold. This will immediately restrict the passage of flames and smoke.
Fire ducts and dampers are used with the idea of compartmentation in mind. By using them a business can prevent a fire from spreading from one room to another.
Here at EA-RS Passive Fire Protection we are able to help your business secure your ventilation ducts through the safe and secure installation of fire ducts and dampers. If you would like to find out more please contact us now.